What our Clients say
I had dermatitis to a point where the skin on my hands was badly cracked. After scan and the implementation of my bespoke programme, my skin improved dramatically in just two weeks .I Now use the Trinity device for other conditions and the outcomes are outstanding.
I have suffered from a memory loss condition for several years... after having a scan we discovered a blood circulatiin problem due to heavy intoxicaton of my body's functions. I felt better days later after having started treatment. I was now waking up in the mornings feeling more energized and focused... I have started getting my life back together and am now able to do things that I could never remember how to do... The Trinity treatment device made, and still making a huge difference for me.
I have struggled for a while with the symptoms of fibromaletia... chronic pain in the stomach, bloating, and swollen intestines. I had to cut out all wheat products and change to a gluten free diet... after having scan which showed a colony of parasites in my gut I was amazed, but after treatment I was able to have a gluten meal with no pain whatsoever... all of my family were happy to see me back to my normal self, and I now enjoy all of the food that I haven't tasted for several years. Thank you Trinity!
I had a condition where enough oxygen was not being supplied to my brain during my sleep. In hospital I was put on a machine which was monitored my breathing and when there was a break on the oxygen supply, the machine would pump oxygen instead. Your scan detected an infection in my sinuses which apparently I have had for several years. The device cleared that all, my snoring was reduced, and I now sleep much better. I managed to escape an operation on my tonsils and nose thanks to the scan and the Trinity device.
I bought the Trinity device for my son Danny as he experienced a difficult birth and deficiencies in his immune systems. On the first day of using theTrinity his cold significally decreased and the next day disappeared... Danny had a great long day sleep and absolutely unusual for him an 11 hour night sleep..He feels good and happy. Thank you!
I bought the device for myself but used it also on my son Jaimie... He had low energy and looked like he was coming down with something... I put on the 'superenergy' programme and to our surprise he woke up early the next day himself, got dressed, brushed his teeth, and had a good breakfast getting ready for school.. This has never happened before without me encouraging him to do it all... we were very pleased...and pleasantly surprised.