Bio Resonance Intellectual Scanner (Express test) is designed to measure electrical parameters of biologically active zones, bearing information about condition of inter-related organs and systems.
The device allows you to carry out the testing process in real time, to monitor the dynamics, to visualize the obtained results, to view the “energy” of the human body, the condition of the spinal cord and the link of its changes with the internal organs, to observe changes in the recovery process. The program will allow you to work faster and better with a client during the testing. It will allow you to establish the causes of changes in the body and to determine a correction plan; it will enable the selection and control of funds for the restoration of the body, which will make your recommendations more correct and safe for the client. The essence of an electroacupuncture testing is the measurement of electrical conductivity in biologically active points on the hands, feet and head (using contact plates on the feet, hands and head electrodes) related to various zones, organs and systems of the body. The nature of the pathological processes, their cause-effect relationships, interest of certain organs and systems, forming and maintaining the pathological process can be assessed by quantitative characteristics. At the same time the device allows you to evaluate the reaction of the body upon any kind of impact. (upon supposed and implemented impact) in real time.
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Bris is not compatible with Apple computer! .It is only works with any PC.
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